How to Apply for a Membership
A prospective member should submit a completed application form, co-signed by the sponsoring member. The prospective member will be asked to meet two members of the Board of Directors for Resident applicants and one for Non-Resident, Overseas and Honourary applicants at an Orientation Luncheon, or at another meeting.
Digital Membership Application
*** if using the above fillable application link, please remember to save the completed application to your computer, then email the file to [email protected]
Click on the following link to download the PDF version of the Membership Application.
PDF Membership Application
Upon receipt of the application, the prospective member’s name and business information will be posted on the club bulletin boards and at the front desk. Members wishing to comment on the application are asked to direct their comments, in confidence and in writing, to the General Manager/COO or the Board of Directors.
Applications are approved or not approved by the Board of Directors at their monthly meetings.
For more information, please contact Terry Connelly, Membership & Communications, 416-364-3247 extension 236 or email [email protected]
Member Testimonial
As a new member to the National Club, finding an environment that was not only a community, but a family was paramount. With The National Club I found both.
A place where I can build friendships and relationships over a great glass of wine. It is a place of unexpected beginnings where I feel comfortable and a great sense of belonging.
Thank you to the entire staff and roster.
Michael Richard Plowman