Dress Code Policy and Club Courtesies
The National Club recognizes that keeping up with trends of dress code in today’s business world is an evolving process. We would like you to feel the same comfort at the Club as you do in your own home. In keeping with our Club’s tradition however, we ask that you familiarize yourself with our Club’s dress code and courtesies and share them with your guests. The dress code sets the standards of a welcoming environment while upholding the high standards of the Club and it’s members.
Since the dress code may change from time to time, we suggest that you check with management regarding any questions that arise concerning the current dress code before entering the club.
In that vein, the Board of Directors has recently reviewed our definition of business casual and has agreed to introduce “smart dressy” denim jeans. However, formal business attire (jacket and tie for men) is always appropriate in the Club.
Acceptable Attire
Business Casual is permitted in private function rooms and all areas of the club, however formal business attire is always appropriate in the club.
Men – Tailored trousers, smart dressy jeans (are permitted in 1874 Bar|Grill, Roof Top Patio & Lounge) , shirts with collars and sleeves, and turtleneck sweaters are allowed.
Women – Tailored pants, smart dressy jeans (are permitted in 1874 Bar|Grill, Roof Top Patio & Lounge), skirts, collared shirts, collarless shirts, blouses and sleeveless summer dresses are permitted.
The dress code applies to all persons visiting the club 12 years of age and older. It is the responsibility of the members to inform their guests, prior to their visit, of the dress code and other house rules.
Unacceptable Attire
Not permitted: Faded, torn or worn jeans

, sweatshirts, athletic shoes, and casual sandals (such as beach sandals) are not permitted anywhere in the Club, nor is any apparel with slogans or commercial messages.
(Children under 12 must still wear proper attire).
Ingress or egress to the front desk and overnight accommodations.
Members of the clergy and persons in military uniform.
Special Events with the advance written approval of the Board.
Management has full discretion by the Board of Directors to determine and enforce what constitutes appropriate attire.
Business Papers in the Club
Members and guests may take notes or refer discreetly to business papers in any of our public rooms. Those using substantial amounts of paper are requested to use the Business Centre or another private area.
Briefcases are permitted in the Marconi Lounge and the Blake Lounge. Members and guests are requested to leave briefcases and laptop computers at the Front Desk before entering the Main Dining Room, the Bar Lounge, the Simcoe Dining Room and Rooftop Lounge and Patios.
Members and guests are asked to leave outerwear including coats, hats, scarves and gloves, in the appropriate cloakroom.
Mobile Device
Members and guests are requested to turn off their mobile devices and pagers while on the premises. Anyone expecting an important call should inform a staff member or the Front Desk personnel, who will advise of any incoming calls and indicate an appropriate location for a private telephone conversation.
Wireless Connection
Wireless connection is available for members and guests who have laptop computers with network cards. Members and guests can log on to our Internet gateway and access their e-mail accounts and the Web from designated rooms in the Club. Please ask the Front Desk for the password.
For more information on this policy and designated areas for the use of laptop computers, please contact the General Manager’s office.
Event Cancellation Policy
To ensure that members have fair opportunity to participate and attend the popular events scheduled by the Events Committee, the following policy applies to event cancellations:
48 hour notice – The cancellation fee will be 100% of the event price, unless the space is resold, in which case the Club at its discretion may waive part of the cancellation fee.
Events held off-site or events with pre-booked entertainment will be billed to the member upon confirmation of the booking. At the Club’s discretion, there will be no charge for a member who cancels due to special circumstances.